The Blog Experience

Hi dearest FAU Bloggers,

Today, to round off this wonderful half-year, we're going to take a look at this very blog we're currently using.

The post I enjoyed writing the most was, unfortunately, the blog where I was allowed to choose the subject: the text on Kaira Loor. You may wonder why! Well, because this was a subject of particular interest to me, and one in which I was able to learn new things. 
I was able to spend some time reading their website in English and I tried to write a summary; it was a very good exercise. Unfortunately, it would take a lot more time to do this type of blog in class: choose a topic, read the articles or websites in English, build an argument and write a summary of the activity carried out by the organization and finally give your point of view.
Furthermore, it's a subject related to architecture, so topical and of particular interest to architecture students.

The blog I enjoyed writing the least was the one about the TV program we watched as kids. This subject brought back many memories and led to nostalgia in spite of it.

The blog I most enjoyed reading was the one about the family dinner. It was great fun to read and everyone had an anecdote. It was also very interesting for me to see the different type of family dinners in Chile.

As far as the writing is concerned, I find it particularly interesting. It's an exercise I wasn't used to doing at all, and yet it allows us to progress very quickly in English. 
I understand that it's easier to write on personal themes (which are no less interesting), but I would have appreciated writing articles on current events or more specific subjects relating to politics, ecology, history... A bit like our blog on BBC Learning English.

I really enjoyed writing these blogs and hope my readers enjoyed reading them. I was able to learn new words and practice my syntax above all.

Thank you all for this semester 

I hope we will meet again in an other blog!

Your french writer, Elena .


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