More than a Friendship

Hi FAU Bloggers,

Today I'm going to tell you the wonderful story of Maelys and Elena's relationship. Maelys is, of course, my best friend. It's easy to guess that we're about the same age, or close to it, given that Maelys was born in 2002 and I in  2003. 

We met a long time ago, precisely 11 years ago now !!!! Wow, I didn't realize time go so fast. 

We simply met at school, when we entered "collège" in France, which is equivalent to "educacion General basica" in Chile, if I'm not being silly. We were part of a group of 5 friends at the beginning, which has now changed of course... At first we didn't really like each other, but as the years went by, and particularly at the end of secondary school, we started to get closer and share moments/activities together.

And yes, the very foundation of our friendship began when we took up badminton together at school. We were a great team and got on very well together. Team competitions further strengthened our bond, and as proof we went all the way to the French national high school competition!                                                       

Badminton was becoming more than just an activity for both of us. We decided to join a club. My town had a very good club and a very good gym to train in. And so began our mad passion for badminton.

Since 2017, we've been competing and training. This was accompanied by daily appointments at my house (our school was in an other town, at 30 minute in train). Of course, we made lifelong friends in this club. And we experienced some of our best sporting and festive moment during those years. Badminton comes with aperitifs after every competition, and barbecues - of course, when you think of sport, you think of the third half.  The atmosphere at the club was unbelievable! The adults considered us almost as if we were their children. 

Not to mention the fact that we lived very close to each other compared to our other friends. It was very easy for us to find each other! Our parents became good friends, and Maelys was considered the 3rd daughter in the family (after my sister, of course).

Then came the choice of higher education after the BAC = "PAES". Maelys chose to study political science in Lille (a town in the north of France) and I chose architecture in Paris. This didn't make our friendship any easier, but it didn't stop it from continuing. Little visits to Lille were required, and to Paris for her when she came home (because we lived near Paris). 

The last time we saw each other was in Lille to say goodbye. That was over 3 months ago. Not a heartbreaking goodbye, but a happy one. Happy for the opportunity each of us had, and happy that our friendship will be as strong as ever when I return.

Finally, I'd like to say that I see our relationship much more than a friendship. I know she'll always be there for me, and for a long, long time to come, despite the distances, despite each other's problems. Nothing can stop us.

PS: I'm sorry for this long text. I think I was getting carried away by feelings for bringing back wonderful memories.


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