Kaira Looro

Kaira Looro - An organization you should know!

Dear FAU Bloggers,

Today I'd like to share a topic that I discovered recently and that I find extremely interesting. It's about the Kaira Looro organization. 

Kaira Looro is a non-profit architectural event organized by the humanitarian organization Balouo Salo. The competition aims to raise awareness of humanitarian issues, raise funds for charitable projects and provide opportunities for young architects. Winning designs will be built as charity projects, with funds raised from entry fees. Award-winning projects are donated free of charge to Balouo Salo, which can share them with other organizations for the development of rural communities in Africa.

The challenge of this year is not over yet. They had the result announced this 4th May but they aren't yet published. 

So the Past Edition was The challenge of 2022's edition. The goal was to design a "Children's House" in Sengal, as a warm and welcoming place where activities aimed at preventing child malnutrition can be carried out in a rural environment. "The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow; allowing them to develop properly is essential in order to build a better future".

Winning projects from last years :

The Winner -1st Prize

2nd Prize

3nd Prize

This type of initiative shows us hope and a future for architecture. We should be more interested and inspired. Architecture schools should even encourage future architects to take part in competitions of this kind, or at least be aware of their existence. 

The reason I'm talking to you about it is that I'd like more students to become aware of it, and perhaps to sensitize some of them. If you're interested in this subject, I invite you to visit the website and see for yourself the many projects that have been selected. 

I hope I've taught you something new !

See you next week.


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